Knee injury
There are two types of knee injury. Annoying aches and stiffness that come from old war wounds from our glory days, or really devastating knee injuries. (See cycling knee pain). They include work, car accidents or from doing our favorite activities. Whether your symptoms are just the occasional swelling or an inability to even walk, these injuries left unchecked will cause secondary problems. These including back pain, hip problems and muscles tears of the hamstrings or quads. Anyone who has limped around for a couple of days will understand – you need an accurate diagnosis as quickly as possible so that these secondary changes don’t occur. We also specialize in post ACL reconstruction.

Shoulder & Arm / Hand Injury
Most shoulder injuries we see at Achieve are related to poor work practices, really bad posture in front of computers (a biggie) or from traumatic or overuse injuries in sport. We specialise in swimmers and golfers and more recently due to the explosion on Personal Trainer use, rotator cuff tendonitis. You may have been inactive for awhile and have suddenly tried to make a comeback to fitness. Or you may have developed a really poor posturally unbalanced upper body and shoulder. You will need to find out which muscles are short/tight and which are long and weak before you can really fix the source of the problem. A well structured rebalancing program of stretching and strengthening exercise can go a long way to achieving pain free movement. Give Achieve a try.

Lower Back Pain
This is where Achieve really shines. We are up to date with current research on the best way to fix lower back problems. Back pain is one of the most frustrating and debilitating of all the injuries we see at Achieve. Lets face it we use our backs for everything. At Achieve Physio we first diagnose the actual problems and refer for MRI if necessary and then begin a pain relieving first phase of treatment. Once the pain has settled we then commence an exercise program aimed at rebalancing the lower back and hip muscles so that the problem does not reoccur.

Head & Neck Pain
Many of the presenting complaints which our clients book in for are related to postural imbalances created by the poor body positioning habits which they have developed over the years. Their bodies have developed short/ tight and long/weak muscles indifferent areas and this often leads to pain syndrome.

Ankle & Lower Limb Injury
Many of the presenting complaints which our clients book in for are related to postural imbalances created by the poor body positioning habits which they have developed over the years. Their bodies have developed short/ tight and long/weak muscles indifferent areas and this often leads to pain syndrome.